SSL Domain and Business Validation
Information and Guides to assist in the validation of domain names and organisations for SSL orders.
A step-by-step guide to SSL validation
Purchasing an SSL certificate is only the start. Before the Certificate Authority (CA) can issue your SSL certificate, it’s going to need to validate several key pieces of information to make sure you have ownership over your domain and in some cases, verify that your organisation is legitimate. Depending on the kind of certificate you’ve selected, this could take anywhere from a few minutes to a few days. Let’s cover the basics of validation and go over some of the finer points, too.
Three different kinds of validation
There are three different validation levels where SSL certificates are concerned.

Domain Validation
Domain Validation SSL certificates are issued the fastest. Because of automation, DV SSL can typically be issued within minutes of purchase pending a simple domain control check.
Learn more about Domain Validation
Organisation Validation
Organisation/Business Validation SSL certificates require several checks to be performed before issuance. For OV SSL, the issuing certificate authority will perform:
- Organisation Authentication
- Locality Presence
- Telephone Verification
- Domain Verification
- Final Verification Call
Provided that your company or organisation has up-to-date registration information, Organisation Validation typically takes just a single business day, though in some cases it may take up to three.
Learn more about Organisation Validation
Extended Validation
Extended Validation SSL certificates require a thorough authentication before issuance. This process typically takes one to five business days. For EV SSL, the issuing certificate authority will require:
- A completed Enrollment Form
- Domain Authentication
- Organization Authentication
- Operational Existence
- Physical Address
- Telephone Verification
- Final Verification Call
Again, provided that your company or organisation has up-to-date registration information, Extended Validation can be done in as little as a single business day, though most CAs will ask for as much as five business days to ensure ample time for validation.
Learn more about Extended ValidationBefore you start validation!
There are a few steps you can take before you submit your order for validation to expedite the process.
- Check and update your listings in common corporate databases to ensure accuracy
- Make sure that your company or organisation has a working, publicly listed phone number
- View and, if necessary, correct your Dun & Bradstreet listing
- Make sure you have direct access to the phone and email address you listed
Need help?
We’ve structured this section to give specific troubleshooting advice based on where you are in the validation process. For instance, if you’re having a problem with telephone verification, navigate to the dedicated page and you’ll find some helpful advice on common issues and workarounds towards the bottom.
Of course, if that doesn’t help our customer service team is always standing by, too. Just call or live chat us and we’ll be happy to help.
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