Malware Explained
Malware is a topic that should always be of high important when coming to website security. But what is Website Malware? Malware is short for malicious software. A piece of software or code that is… [read more →]
We have a collection of articles to help you understand Malware Scanner Solutions offered by SSLTrust. If you can't find the answer to your question you may contact our support team here
Malware is a topic that should always be of high important when coming to website security. But what is Website Malware? Malware is short for malicious software. A piece of software or code that is… [read more →]
Malware is a serious issue with websites and to help detect Malware and prevent it there are now a large variety of Website Malware Scanners on the market. What do these scanners actually do?… [read more →]